Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 5

A picture of your favorite memory.

I have so many favorite memories.  But honestly, I don't have a lot of pictures of most of them... so I scoured my mom's old blog, and found this one.  The second I saw it, memories came flooding back and a big smile reached from one side of my face to another.

This was the first real play in which I ever participated.  I was playing the Queen in Cinderella, aka Prince Charming's mother.  I had a great time, and I love those people.

And how about another favorite memory, since this post is short.  :D

This is shortly after I "met" (aka skyped with) my now best friend, Lauren.  It's a screenshot she took of us being goofy.  We were comparing thumbs.  Go figure.

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. L.O.L. im famous in my family for having a short thumb....


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