Friday, November 19, 2010

Would I make a great salesman or WHAT?

Is your hair boring?  Does it lack vitality, energy, body, and movement?  Well then this is the product for you!  You can go from this:


To find out how, go on over to my reviews page!

*Weird, awkward facial expressions and poor lighting not included.  This treatment is most suited to ladies with the Southern penchant for big hair.    

P.S. I'd like to give a big welcome to my two new followers. Hi guys, thanks for climbing aboard the crazy train with me. :)


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog! I think it is so awesome that you are living in Europe. :)

    And your hair is awesome in that second photo! I actually have that product... but I haven't really used it. I'll have to do some experimenting. :)

  2. :) Thank you so much! I love it here. :)

    Haha thanks, I love big hair. The bigger my hair, the better mood I'm in. :P


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