Friday, October 1, 2010

October First, or, a Happy Day

It's October, everyone!

I am very excited.  Though, admittedly, a wee bit depressed that there will be no trick-or-treating this year.  (And if you're wondering, yes, in Hawaii people keep getting costumed for Halloween until... well forever.  It's not just for the little ones.)  And I had so many great ideas for costumes!!!  I can't believe that none of them will come to fruition.

Here, Italians over-prepare for cold.  No joke, I went to the market in a cardigan and jeans and was a little chilly, but the rest of the Italians were wearing leather jackets and coats.  It's unbelievable.  And I love it.

Now that I think my knee is healed, I'm going to start going to the gym.  Why am I telling you this?  For accountability.  Every time I go to the gym,  I'll tell you.  So that I feel really bad if I don't go.

So please, starting, eh, Monday, if I don't post that I've been going to the gym, yell at me in the comments.  I beg you.  Guilt works for me.

Also, I'm very excited about something else that's going to happen today, but I can't tell you until tomorrow.  Sorry.

Pins and needles.  I am sure you are on them.

Now, enjoy your October, my friends .

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